Originally published in The Asian Otter Newsletter, 5 (1998).

Asian Otter Bibliography

This list of articles about Asian otters, were derived mainly from the thesis bibliography of Sivasothi (1995). Search Google Scholar for "Amblonyx cinerea" OR "Amblonyx cinereus" OR "Aonyx cinereus" OR "Aonyx cinerea" OR "Lutrogale perspicillata" OR "Lutra perspicillata", "Lutra lutra" Asia OR "Lutra sumatrana". See results.

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Acharjyo, L.N. (1983). A note on the longevity of two species of Indian otters in captivity. J. Bombay. Nat. Hist. Soc. 80: 636.

Acharya, P. M. & J. B. Gurung, 1994. A report on the status of common otter (Lutra lutra) in Rupa and Bengas Tal, Pokhara Valley. Tiger paper, 21(2): 21-22.

Allen, G. A., 1938. The mammals of China and Mongolia. In: W. Granger (ed.), Natural History of Central Asia, XI(1). The American Museum of Natural History. 620pp.

Anh, P. T., N. X. Dang & C. Santiapillai. Conservation of otters in Vietnam. In C. Reuther & D. Rowe-Rowe (eds), Proceedings of the VIth International Otter Colloquim, Pietermaritzburg, 1993. Habitat, 11: 59-61.

Ansell, W. F. H., 1947. Notes on some Burmese mammals. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 47: 379-383.

Asmoro, P. B., R. Melisch & I. L. Kusumawardhani, 1994. Hubungan antara berang-berang dengan manusia. Prosiding simposium pertama mengenai berang-berang di Indonesia. PHPA/AWB-Indonesia, Bogor, Juni, 1994. 63-73.

Badham, M., 1973. Breeding the Indian smooth otter, Lutrogale perspicillata sindica X L. p. perspicillata, at Twycross Zoo. IntL. Zoo Yb., 13: 145-146.

Banks, E., 1949. Bornean Mammals. The Kuching Press, Kuching, 83pp.

Bartels, M. Jr., 1937. Zur kenntnis der verbreitung und der lebensweise Javanischer säugetiere. Treubia, 16: 149-320.

Bastiawan , D. & A. Rukyani, 1994. Status berang-berang dalam usaha perikanan. Prosiding simposium pertama mengenai berang-berang di Indonesia. PHPA/AWB-Indonesia, Bogor, Juni, 1994. 57-62.

Bemmel, A. C. V. van, 1949. Notes on Indo-Australian mammals (1-2). 1. A note on Lutrogale perspicillata (I. Geoffroy) (Mustelidae). Treubia, 20(2): 375-377.

Biswas, R. N., 1973. On the domestication of the otter by fisherman in Bangladesh. J. Bombay Nat. Hist., 70(2): 374.

Blanford, W. T., 1888. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Mammalia. 1. Taylor & Francis, Lond., 617pp.

Borgwardt, N. & B.M. Culik, 1999. Asian small-clawed otters: resting and swimming metabolic rates. J Comp Physiol B, 169: 100-106.

Bree, P. J. H. van, 1968. Einige Bemerkungen uber den Glattotter, Lutrogale perspicillata (Is. Geoffroy, 1826) (Carnivora, Lutrinae), aus dem Indo-Australischen Archipel. Der Zoologische Garten, 35(1/2): 30-36.

Bree, P. J. H. van, 1968. Uber ein Exemplar von Lutrogale perspicillata (Geoffroy, 1826) (Mammalia, Carnivora) aus Bhutan. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 180(1/2): 162-164.

Calle, P. P. & P. T. Robinson, 1985. Glucosuria associated with renal calculi in Asian small-clawed otters. JAVMA, 187(1): 1149-1153.

Calle, P. P., 1988. Asian Small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea) urolithiasis prevalence in North America. Zoo Biology, 7: 23-242.

Cha, D., 1995. Proof of the Mai Po mystery mammal. Porcupine!, (13): 13.

Chakrabarti, K., 1993. An ecological review of otter in the mangrove ecosystem of Sundarbans (India). Tiger paper, 20(1): 19-21.

Chanrajakit, J. & P. Youngprapakorn, 1990. Anaesthesia of the Small-clawed otter. Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 20: 569.

Chasen, F. N., 1940. A handlist of Malaysian mammals. Bull. Raffles Mus., 15: 1-109.

Chaudhry, I. U., 1991. Otters in Pakistan. In: Reuther, C. & R. Rochert (ed.s), Proc. V. Intl. Otter Colloq., Hankensbuttel. Habitat, 6: 63-50.

Cheah, T. S., C. Rakamickam & K. Lazarus, 1989. Natural infection of Armillifer moniliformis in Smooth otter (Lutra perspicillata). Tropical Biomedicine, 20: 139-140.

Chitampalli, M. R., 1979. On the occurrence of the Common otter in Maharashtra (Itiadoh Lake, Bhandara District) with some notes on its habits. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 76: 151-152.

Corbet, G. B. & J. E. Hill, 1992. The mammals of the Indomalayan region: a systematic review. Natural History Museum Publications, London. 488p.

Davies, G. & J. Payne, 1982. A faunal survey of Sabah. Prepared by WWF Malaysia for Game Branch, Forest Department, Sabah. IUCN/WWF Project No. 1692: 141-146.

Davis, D. D., 1962. Mammals of the lowland rain-forest of North Borneo. Bull. Singapore Natl. Mus., 31: 1-129.

Desai, J. H., 1974. Observations on the breeding habits of the Indian smooth otter, Lutrogale perspicillata, in captivity. Int. Zoo Yb., 14: 123-124.

Duplaix-Hall, N., 1972. Notes on maintaining river otters in captivity. Int. Zoo Yb., 12: 178-181.

Duplaix-Hall, N., 1975. River otters in captivity: a review. In: Martin, E. D. (ed.), Breeding endangered species in captivity. Academic Press, London: 315-327.

Ellerman, J. R. & T. C. S. Morrison-Scott, 1951. Checklist of Palearctic and Indian Mammals, 1758 to 1946. British Museum (Natural History), Lond., 810pp.

Foster-Turley, P. & C. Santiapillai, 1990. Action Plan for Asian Otters. In: Foster-Turley, P., S. Macdonald & C. Mason (eds.), 1990. Otters. An action plan for their conservation. IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group, Gland: 52-63.

Foster-Turley, P. & S. Engfer, 1988. The species survival plan for the Asian Small-clawed Otter, Aonyx cinerea. Int. Zoo Yb., 27: 79-84.

Foster-Turley, P. F., 1989. The role of protected areas in otter conservation. In: Intl. Conf. Natl. Pks. Protected Areas, 13-15 November, 1989. Dept. Wildl. Natl. Pks., 1989. 23p.

Foster-Turley, P., 1990. Otters in captivity. In: Foster-Turley, P., S. Macdonald & C. Mason (eds.), 1990. Otters. An action plan for their conservation. IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group, Gland: 17-21.

Foster-Turley, P., 1991. The status of otters in Asia. In: Reuther, C. & R. Rochert (ed.s), Proc. V. Intl. Otter Colloq., Hankensbuttel. Habitat, 6: 21-25. [pdf]

Foster-Turley, P., S. Macdonald & C. Mason (eds.), 1990. Otters. An action plan for their conservation. IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group, Gland, 126p.

Furuyu, Y., 1977. Otters in Padas Bay, Sabah, Malaysia. J. Mam. Soc. Jpn., 7: 39-43.

Gentry, A., 1994. Case 2928. Regnum Animale ..., Ed. 2 (M. J. Brisson, 1762): proposed rejection, with the conservation of the mamalian generic names Philander (Marsupalia), Pteropus (Chiroptera), Glis, Cuniculus and Hydrochoerus (Rodentia), Meles, Lutra and Hyaena (Carnivora), Tapirus (Perissodactyla), Tragulus and Giraffa (Artiodactyla). Bull. Zool. Nomen., 51(2).

Goodyer, N. J., 1992. Notes on the land mammals of Hong Kong. Memoirs of the Hong Kong Natural History Society, 19:71-78.

Gray, J. E., 1867. Notice of Lutronectes whiteleyi, an otter from Japan. Proc. zool. soc. Lond., 1867: 180-182.

Gudger, E. W., 1927. Fishing with the otter. The American Naturalist, 61(674): 193-225.

Gutleb, B., R. Rautschka, A. C. Gutleb, 1996. Some comments on the otter (Lutra lutra) in Iran. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 13(1): 43-44.

Haque, M. N., V. S. Vijayan, 1995. Food habits of the Smooth Indian Otter (Lutra perspicillata) in Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India. Mammalia, 59: 345-348.

Harris, C. J., 1968. Otters: A Study of the Recent Lutrinae. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, Lond., 397pp.

Harrison, J. L., 1964. An Introduction to the Mammals of Sabah. The Sabah Society, Kota Kinabalu, 244pp.

Harrison, J., 1966. An introduction to mammals of Singapore and Malaya. Singapore branch, Malayan Nature Society, Singapore, 340p.

Hassinger, J. D., 1973. A survey of the mammals of Afghanistan. Fieldiana: Zoology, 60: 141-142.

Hayman, R. W., 1957. A new race of the Indian Smooth-coated Otter from Iraq. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9(12): 156-159.

Helvoort, B. E. van, R. Melisch, I. R. Lubis & B. O’Callaghan, 1996. Aspects of preying behaviour of Smooth-coated otters Lutrogale perspicillata from Southeast Asia. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 13(1): 3-7.

Hendrickson, J. R., 1957. Young otters in captivity. Malay. Nat. J., 11: 127-130 + pl. 59.

Hiscock, R., 1990. Report on the sighting of a large otter in Singapore. The Pangolin, 3: 22.

Howson, C., 1940. Otters and crocodiles. J. Bombay Nat. Hist., 40(?): 557-558.

Humphrey, S. R. & J. R. Bain, 1990. Endangered animals of Thailand. Sandhill Crane Press, Inc., 468p.

Hussain, S. A., 1992. The wild otters of the Chambal. Sanctuary Asia, 12(5): 25-31.

Hussain, S.A & B.C. Choudhury, 1997 Feeding ecology of smooth-coated otter Lutra perspicillta in National Chambal Sanctuary. Proceedings of the Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, Behaviour and ecology of riparian mammals, No.71.

Hussain, S.A. & B.C. Choudhury 1997. Distribution & status of the smooth-coated otter Lutra perspicillata in National Chambal Sanctuary, India. Biol. Conserv., 80:199-206. [pdf].

Hussain, S.A. & Choudhury, B.C. 1995. Seasonal movement, homerange and habitat use by smooth-coated otter Lutra perspicillata in National Chambal Sanctuary. In: C. Reuther & D. Rowe-Rowe (eds.), Proceedings of the VI International Otter Colloquium, Pietermaritzberg 1993. Habitat, 11:45-55.

Hussain, S.A., 1996. Group size, groups structuire and breeding in Smooth-coated otter Lutra perspicillata Geoffroy (Carnivora, Mustelidae) in National Chambal Sanctuary, India. Mammalia, 60:289-297.

Hussain, S.A., P.K. Malik & B.C. Choudhury 1996. Chemical immobilization of smooth-coated otter (Lutra perspicillata) by ketamine and xylazine hydrochloride. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 93(2): 214-218.

Imaizumi, Y. & M. Yoshiyuki, 1989. Taxonomic status of the Japanese Otter (Carnivora, Mustelidae), with a description of a new species. Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. A, 15(3): 177-188.

Khoi, L. V., unpubl. Current status and some biological characteristics of the otter (Lutra lutra L.) in Vietnam. Proc. Intl. Asian Otter Symp., 1988. [pdf]

Kiew, B. H., 1982. Conservation status of the Malaysian fauna. I. Mammalia. Malayan Naturalist, May 1982: 3-19.

Kruuk, H., B. Kanchanasaka, S. O’Sullivan & S. Wanghongsa, 1993. Identification of tracks and otjer sign of thre species of otter, Lutra lutra L. perspicillata and Aonyx cinerea, in Thailand. Journal of Natural History Siam Society, 69: 115-120.

Kruuk, H., B. Kanchanasaka, S. O’Sullivan & S. Wanghongsa, 1994. Niche separation in three sympatric otters Lutra perspicillata, L. lutra and Aonyx cinerea in Huai Kha Khaeng, Thailand. Biol. Consv., 69: 115-120.

Kruuk, H., B. Kanchanasaka, S. O’Sullivan, S. Wanghongsa, 1993b. Kingfishers Halcyon capensis and Alcedo atthis and Pond-heron Ardeola bacchus associating with otters Lutra perspicillata. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam. Soc., 41: 67-68.

Lancaster, W. E., 1975. Exhibiting and breeding the Asian small-clawed otter, Amblonyx cinerea, at Adelaide Zoo. Int. Zoo Yb., 15: 63-65.

Lay, D. M., 1967. A study of the mammals of Iran resulting from the Street expedition of 1962-63. Fieldiana: Zoology, 54: 211-212.

Lee, L. L., 1996. Status and distribution of river otters in Kinmen, Taiwan. Oryx, 30(3): 202-206.

Lekagul, B. & J. A. McNeely, 1988. Mammals of Thailand. Second edition. Darnsutha Press, Thailand, 758pp.

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Lewis, J. C. M., 1991. Reversible immobilisation of Asian Small-clawed otters with medetominide and ketamine. Veterinary Records, 128: 86-87.

Lim, K. K. P., 1990. Comments on the sighting of a large otter at Sungei Buloh, Singapore, with notes on the status of otters (Mammalia: Carnivora: Mustelidae) in Singapore. The Pangolin, 3: 23-27.

Matsuda, R. & M. C. Yoshida, 1994. A molecular phylogeny of the family Mustelidae (Mammalia, Carnivora), based on comparison of mitochondrial Cytochrome b nucleotide sequences. Zoological Science, 11: 605-612.

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Melisch, R & R. Foster-Turley, 1996. First record of hybridisation in otters (Lutrinae: Mammalia), between Smooth-coated Otter, Lutrogale perpspicillata (Geoffroy, 1826) and Asian Small-clawed Otter Aonyx cinerea (Illiger, 1815). Der Zoologische Garten, 66: 284-288.

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Nagulu, V., V. Vasudeva Rao, C. Srinivasulu, J. V. Ramana Rao, 1997. A preliminary survey of otters on the Malabar coast and the adjoining hill reservoirs and streams. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 14(1): 30-34.

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